Trail Reports

Status: Closed
Condition: Closed

Trails are closed, sorry

And just like that the trails are closed.  Fingers crossed we can get a 12" plus blast in the early march storm that is being predicted so we can get one last ride in.

Status: Open
Condition: Poor

Trails Open 2/10/25

The club has made the first lap through most of the trail system to knock down the weeds and get the trail alignment set.  Conditions are spotty at best so please ride with caution.

Status: Closed
Condition: Closed

Trail work Saturday 10/14/23

Meet Saturday 8am at the Groomer shed 20751 St Francis Blvd.  Crews will be out working on signs, trimming trees and brush and other items to get the trails ready.  Please have appropriate clothing and footwear, you can bring a cordless drill or impact if you have one.  Groups normally meet up for lunch at one of the local establishements, then head back out in the afternoon.